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My dream is to become a cabin crew but I am not good looking

This profession is a box full of challenges…and this box is wrapped with a beautiful wrapping paper which adds the glamour quotient to this job.

Well, it is essential to have a pleasing personality, positive body language, excellent social skills and a million dollar genuine smile …

Your looks do matter and the above mentioned traits will decide how beautiful or good looking you are!!

As far as the grooming standards are concerned, be in the weight limit, no visible tattoos, clear skin- acne free, overall hygienic appearance, height as per company requirement, neat and tidy attire…and you are good to go 👍👍👍

Hope this makes you understand the criteria.

All the best 👍

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but we have to prove it that we are beauuuutiful inside out🙂🙂😍

Best wishes


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